Apeel Blog

5 Questions with Apeel’s Senior Manager of Customer Success, Anjuli Skirvin

Written by Apeel Team | Feb 21, 2021 8:45:00 AM

Consider our Customer Success team as the “quarterback” of our supplier relationships. Anjuli Skirvin, our Sr. Manager of Customer Success, is the main point of contact for her suppliers on all things Apeel. Before working at Apeel, she spent most of her career in management consulting with Fortune 500 agribusinesses. So, she knows a thing or two about working with all parts of agricultural business. We spoke to Anjuli about her role here at Apeel, how she got here, and – since she works from Indianapolis – some words of wisdom when it comes to working at Apeel as a remote employee.

How do you describe your job at Apeel?

ANJULI: I like to describe Customer Success as the “quarterback” of the (supplier) customer relationships. I am the main point of contact for my suppliers on all things Apeel, and I represent and provide the voice of the customer internally. My primary goal is to create and demonstrate value to our supplier partners, and ensure that, together, we are set up to deliver high performing Apeel programs to retailers and food-service companies. My work is very cross-functional; I help to plan and execute integrations at supplier sites, facilitate customer onboarding, and support the supplier long-term as we enter steady state. 

Tell us about working on the sales team. Any fun facts to share?

ANJULI: The sales team at Apeel is such an amazing group with a unique combination of backgrounds and skill sets. Everyone works so hard and the level of teamwork and support is unparalleled. It’s just very apparent that each member of the team’s top priority is building and delivering the highest quality of programs for our customers. So I genuinely enjoy spending time with the group, and our get-togethers–pre-COVID–always felt like a family reunion. Especially since I actually work remotely from Indianapolis. Our team very much has a “Work hard, play hard” mentality!

What is your favorite thing about working at Apeel?

ANJULI: The people! You’ve never met a collection of individuals more passionate about the work they are doing, day in and day out. Apeel has some of the most intelligent and hardest working people I’ve ever worked with, and I continue to be blown away not just by the quality of individuals that we hire, but the enthusiasm and ingenuity that is demonstrated by every single person I interact with.

Since you are not headquartered at an office, how would you say you stay connected to the team?

ANJULI: Staying connected has never really been a struggle at Apeel as we have numerous tools to support the communication between those at HQ (or other offices) and those of us working in the field. Because my role is so cross-functional, I am in regular communication with a majority of the teams based out of Santa Barbara. I also touch base weekly (at a minimum) with the TFS teams that are dedicated to the treatment sites of the suppliers that I work with. I always have a pulse for how day-to-day operations are going.

Finally, what’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

ANJULI: Learn continuously. No matter where you are at in your life or career, consider yourself a lifelong learner. There’s always room to gain new skills and knowledge, and possessing a willingness to learn is always highly valued. You should maintain a curious disposition and never be afraid to ask questions.

Thanks Anjuli!

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